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Back in 2015...

On May 6th, 2015, I created this email address called This is also the same day I created Charity's YouTube channel. I was first known for being a part of this channel. That is, until I created my own channel 2 months later. On July 11th, 2015, I got my very own YouTube channel. I also got my phone that same day as well. Almost a week later, I uploaded my very first video called "Weird error on Windows XP!" The video was about a blank error that I encountered while installing a game. As of October 2016, the video has 72 views. 

My content

Hello there! I am Jaylynn Russell, or TechnoPonyWardrobe or Techno or whatever you want to call me. I am an artist and an video maker. I am behind Freaky Friday, The Twilight Sparkle Show!, Dad and Jay, The Musical Show, Charity Seashell (yours truely), and many other things. 

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